Hi there, I'm a mental health advocate and social worker who believes in the power of authentic mental health content.

I started The Mental Health Update to empower others with accessible, meaningful mental health information. Each issue contains helpful mental health articles and actionable strategies to improve your mental health.

I'm glad you're here.

Featured Mental Health Articles On The Mental Health Update:

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I'm Not Good At Anything! [Why Saying You Have No Talent is Absurd]

Your mind is lying to you. When you think you're not good at anything, there are a few really important things you should know.


I Can't Make Decisions! (A Strange, Effective Strategy for Anxiety and Decision-Making)

I get so anxious when I can't make decisions. But then I realized something about the way I was thinking. There is a way to think about thinking itself that makes all the difference.


Difficult Conversations - What Makes Them So Hard

Difficult conversations can be terrifying. I used to dread them. And avoid them. But no longer. Because I learned what makes them so difficult in the first place.


Being There for Someone: A Short But Powerful Guide

"Being there for someone." What does that MEAN? It seems elusive, like a bat flitting away in the night. But it doesn't need to be that way. There are core principles.


Mental Health Awareness Month - It's More Than a Month

It's May 2020, and that means it's Mental Health Awareness Month. For one month each year, the world comes together to raise mental health awareness month. But we need more than that. We all have mental health. It's part of us.


Saying, "My Life Sucks?" If Life Sucks, 20 Actions to Immediately Take

When I'm thinking, "My life sucks," It's hard to get motivated to do anything. I realized I need dead-simple strategies to feel better. These are the top tips I've used or helped other people use in their lives.


Struggling to Be Understood? 3 Questions to End "No One Understands Me"

I've always felt misunderstood. I've always felt like sort of an oddball. But these 3 questions changed everything for me. You can learn them in 5 minutes...if that.


"My Wife Yells At Me" - What to Do If Your Wife (Or Partner) Yelled At You

If your wife / partner is yelling at you, you need to read this. There are reasons for the behavior, most of which you probably haven't considered. Learn to know what might be going on--and what you should do about it.


7 Surprising Truths That Explain, "I Hate My Life!"

When a person says, "I hate my life," you tend to think they know what they're talking about, right? Not exactly. These are the 6 truths you need to understand.


Why You're Asking "Am I a Bad Person?" [And What to Do About It]

You're most likely not a bad person. How do I know? Because you're asking yourself in the first place. And there are reasons why you might feel this way. This article goes over the main ones.


"What Is Wrong With Me?" 3 Steps to Address 2 Major Symptom Types

If you've ever wondered if there is something wrong with you, wonder no more. Learn which questions to ask yourself--and what to do with the answers you find.


Why Does No One Like Me? 7 Ideas to Consider If You Feel Nobody Likes You

Do you feel like nobody likes you? How do you know that's true? These ideas will help you discover what's actually true for you so that you can do something about it.


Instantly Know If You're An Emotional Masochist (What the Real Meaning of Masochism Is)

Masochist. What an intense word. But it's one that you need to know about. Learning about emotional masochism just may save you a lot of pain.


Stop Zoning Out A Lot With These 3 Crucial Attention Skills

Are you zoned out? How do you know? It's time to know the difference between zoning out and dissociating--and what you can do to zone back into your life.


Stop Feeling Overwhelmed With Life (A 2-Step Strategy to Feel Less Overwhelmed)

If you're feeling overwhelmed, there are really only two steps you need to take. And if you do, you'll understand more about what's going on and how you can get back to living your life.


"Am I Unlovable?" The 1 Truth About Feeling Unlovable (And How to Feel Loved Again)

Do you feel unlovable? Do you feel there are parts of you that you just can't share? It's a common problem. But I'm going to let you in on a little secret to help you right now.


How to (Actually) Focus On Yourself: The 3 Steps You Need to Know

If you're struggling to focus on yourself, any one of these steps will change your life, but combine all three... and you will be unstoppable.


Surprisingly Relatable Reasons Why You're Feeling Stuck in Life [With Solutions]

There are many reasons why you might feel stuck in life, but these are four of the most common. Don't worry, we also included potential solutions that can get you unstuck.


What Fear of the Future Is (How to Overcome Anticipatory Anxiety)

You can feel anxious about something you did. You can feel anxious about something happening right now. And you can feel anxious about something that hasn't even happened yet. Here's how to overcome that anxiety and fear.


The 3 Key Reasons You're Feeling Lost [With Solutions]

Feeling lost? You're not alone. People who feel lost in life fall into a familiar pattern. These 3 big reasons will point you in the right direction.


Pushing People Away: Revealing the 3 Top Reasons Why We Push People Away

Do you push people away? Do you know why you're doing it? Quickly learn if you are falling victim to any of the main 3 reasons why we push people away.


I Don't Care About Anything Anymore [This Word Matters When You Don't Care About Life]

There is one word that describes the feeling of not caring about anything. It's "anhedonia." Even if you haven't heard of it, you can learn about it fast--AND get a plan to help you start caring again.


My Mental Health Values (The Mental Health Update Manifesto)

Core values are at the heart of what I do at The Mental Health Update. Knowing your values makes everything easier. For me, my values drive the kind of mental health content I create.


The Best Mental Model (A Powerful Model to Improve Your Life)

This is my all-time favorite mental model. Master it, and you'll be light years ahead of most people.


How to Protect Your Energy as an Empath or Not [4 Strong Steps]

Protecting your energy is one of the most important things you can do. Learn my four-step process, and you'll get your energy and your time back.


I Don't Know What to Do With My Life (Intense Questions to Ask Yourself)

Not knowing what you want to do in life is the worst. It's holding you back. But it's possible to figure out what to do. You just need the right approach.


Don't Adopt a Fixer Mindset--Here's Why

Are you a fixer? You may think it's the best approach, but there are some things you first need to consider. The fixer mindset has some major drawbacks.


How Knowing My "Anxiety Locations" Helps Me Manage My Anxious Feelings

I live with daily anxiety. Identifying my anxiety locations has made a huge difference in my life. Here's what I mean--and how you can do the same.


The Anxious Need to Control (What It Is and What to Do About It)

Where does the need to control come from? Usually, it stems from anxiety. When you're anxious, it's normal to want to latch onto one or two things and try to control them. Here's how to cope with that anxious desire to control.


The Meaning of Reframing (And How it Can Help You)

Learning this skill will save you a lot of emotional trouble.


Holiday Mental Health Guide - Improve Your Mental Health During the Holidays

What is it about the holidays that makes people lose their minds? You don't have to follow suit. You can maintain your mental health, even increase it. This short guide will show you how.


Why the Inner Work is the Most Important Kind

The best way to improve your life is to do the inner work. Improve yourself, and you'll find it much easier to change the world around you. This post will show you how.


Low Self-Esteem to High Self-Esteem - Moving Up the Continuum

If you want good mental health, you have to consider self-esteem and the self-esteem continuum. Low self-esteem and high self-esteem are really not separate things. They are part of the same spectrum.


Destroy "Why Do I Hate Myself?" With 10 Mindset Shifts

You don't have to hate yourself. I know it feels like there's no way through this, but these steps will help. Steps 3 and 4 especially changed my life for the better.


Not Feeling Good Enough? Learn From My Misguided Thinking [Bonus: Songs About Not Being Good Enough]

Not feeling good enough is the worst. Fortunately, there's a way to escape this feeling. It all comes down to your thinking. Plus, I've included some songs for you to help you change your mood.


3 Secrets to Stop Saying "I Can't Do Anything Right"

Can't do anything right? It can be an awful feeling. But you're not alone. There's an approach that has worked for me that can work for you too. But you have to understand the 3 secrets behind it.


"I Can't Think Straight" (A Simple Technique to Think Clearly Today)

Getting to the root of something is what you need to do whenever you can't think straight. One of my absolute favorite methods to do this is something that children do ALL OF THE TIME.


The ONLY Thing That Matters When Your Life is Falling Apart in 2022

Do you actually know what it means to have your life fall apart? I thought I did, but I was wrong. It has nothing to do with what's going on around and everything to do with just one thing.


Feeling Mentally Drained? (4 Practical Ways to Stop Feeling Mentally or Emotionally Drained)

To know if you are experiencing emotional exhaustion, you have to understand a few things. And once you do, you'll be able to apply a formula to escape what you're feeling.


Pretending To Be Happy? Why Acting Happy and Fake Happiness Don't Work

When I was suffering from depression years ago, I thought I had to pretend to be happy to get through it. I thought I had to let everyone know that I was OK, that nothing was wrong with me. But it made it much worse. Here's why.


There are Other Words for Depressed. Here's Why to Use Them.

When you're feeling depressed and you're at your lowest point, it can be almost impossible to escape your confining vocabulary. But it can help. This is why it's worth a try. Here are other words for "depressed."


Talking About Depression - Why People Don't Talk About Depression Online

When it comes to talking about mental health issues online, why don't more people talk about depression? A huge percentage of the population deals with it, so why is it not more common? This might be why.


Positive Words Associated With Mental Health (Socially Constructing Meaning)

We add new phrases to our vocabulary all the time? How do they get their meaning? It's a process of social construction. This is how it is for mental health terms. Learn how the process works--and what you need to know.


The Real Meaning of Setback is Not What You Think

When you think of the word "setback," what comes to mind? Whatever it is, it's probably not positive. What I am about to reveal is the real meaning of setback. It's time to give setback new meaning.


3 Surprising Ideas to End Your Fear of Disappointing Others

Are you scared of disappointing people? Do you feel like you're letting others down? Then you have to remember 3 things.


What is Mental Wealth? (FINALLY, a Useful Definition)

We talk about financial wealth, but we never talk about something that is arguably a lot more important--mental wealth. You need to learn how to build this asset today.