Hi there, I'm a mental health advocate and social worker who believes in the power of authentic mental health content.
I started The Mental Health Update to empower others with accessible, meaningful mental health information. Each issue contains helpful mental health articles and actionable strategies to improve your mental health.
I'm glad you're here.
I hope you enjoy three of my best depression poems from my first book, In Search of Happiness.
You can’t write poetry about depression
You have to feel it
It has to seep out of your bones
It has to leak out of your eyes
The poetry is in the becoming
the shifting feeling
the falling breath
the terror of monotony
the naked desperation
the losing of hope
and the long wondering if it will ever return
You can’t write poetry about depression
You have to experience it
You have to know it like a brother
And you have to hate it
so much that you use it
you terrorize it
for what it did to you
Until you see the sudden strength
hidden within the darkness
Until you become the darkness
and in so doing
you realize
you’ve always had the light
Shame is a box.
Silence, its walls.
Inside, the air is stale.
Nothing gets in.
Nothing goes out.
the lingering, rancid stench of shame.
And shame is not an easy feeling to handle.
If it feels oppressive, it’s because it is oppressive.
Of all the tools in the public’s tool belt, shame packs a hefty punch.
Social media missives become missiles,
to destroy.
Sent to enclose the person in his box, inside of his shame.
The world feels small in there.
But a box is a box,
not a castle.
It’s not an impenetrable fortress.
That’s the funny thing about shame.
The walls are made of silence,
and they can be walked through at any time.
It’s the fear of failure, of annihilation,that keeps the person contained
within the walls of shame.
But there is a way out.
It starts with truth, and it comes from within.
It’s a budding awareness
that grows and grows until the person in the box
outgrows the box — and slides through the walls of shame.
truth knows no bounds.
Self-love is shapeless.
It’s a chameleon.
Because it knows no shape, its potential is unlimited.
That which is formless fits no box
Hope is a battle
A broken dream
A mist, a swamp, a fire
Hope is not what you think it is
It’s an uplifting funeral pyre
If these three mental health poems spoke to you, I have many more like them--in addition to many that are not about depression, but other common mental health issues--in my 5-star-rated debut mental health poetry book In Search of Happiness: HealingThrough Mental Health Poetry.
Mental health issues are not only common, they are a part of who we are.
We all deal with them, so we might as well try to understand them.
Thank you for reading my mental health poems. With so much focus on mental illness and how much we all struggle with it, I wanted to take a different approach with my first book.
I know there are books and writers out there that emphasize mental illness and depression and how difficult it is.
I'm not negating that--or the important work they do.
My mission is to provide accessible, meaningful community resources that increase insight and develop understanding.
Mental health resources don't have to be about doom and gloom. They don't have to be about empty jargon and scare tactics.
I hope my mental health poetry and the articles I've written on The Mental Health Update open a window through which you find meaning in your own life.
The resources on this site are here for you to use.